How To Tell if a Diamond is real: A Comprehensive Guide

Can you tell if a diamond is real, or not? Diamonds are valuable and expensive, so even the smallest earrings can strain one’s budget. Despite the high cost, their popularity continues to increase, featuring in engagement rings, wedding bands and other forms of jewelry. These stones have an aesthetic appeal, explaining its ongoing fame.


The value, cost and popularity of diamonds has led to an influx of simulants in the market. Without caution, you may spend a significant amount on a faux diamond. Some unscrupulous vendors attempt to sell simulated diamonds as natural for higher profits. Thus, you should exercise discernment when making a purchase.


Many diamond enthusiasts seek the services of a professional jeweler to distinguish genuine diamonds from fakes. However, with the right knowledge and some practice, you can become better at “sifting through the chaff” on your own.


Additionally, it's worth considering whether lab grown diamonds are real. These diamonds generate controversy and are surrounded by numerous myths. Therefore, while learning how to tell if a diamond is real, we will also clear up misconceptions about lab grown versions.


Read on for more.

Can you tell if a Diamond is Real?

How To Tell if a Diamond is real

At first glance, real diamonds and their simulants appear alike, leading to confusion and unethical practices. However, closer inspection reveals that diamonds have traits that distinguish them from other gemstones. These traits are often termed the Four Cs of diamonds, formulated by Robert M. Shipley, founder of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).


 Here they are:


1.   Color

Colored Diamond - How To Tell if a Diamond is real

Genuine diamonds range from colorless to light yellow or light brown, but fancy colors exist, including blue, red and pink. The rarest and most valuable is the colorless variant, while diamonds that display obvious colors tend to be less valuable. Color affects brilliance and sparkle, factors to consider when examining a diamond. Genuine diamonds are graded on a scale ranging from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Fancy colors are graded differently.


2.   Cut

The cut is vital for the beauty and overall appearance of the diamond, profoundly impacting its brilliance, sparkle, and fire. Together with color, the cut determines the final look of the diamond, significantly affecting its beauty. In their “raw” form, diamonds are often unappealing and rough. It takes the expertise of a cutter to shape the rough stone into a valuable treasure. Diamond cutting emphasizes its proportions, symmetry and facets. A precise cut increases the attractiveness of the gemstone. Examples of cuts are princess, brilliant, emerald and cushion.


3.   Carat Weight

The most common attribute is the carat weight, often associated with how sellers measure diamonds. One carat equals 200 milligrams, and you could either purchase a whole or a fraction. Carat weight is considered the most objective attribute of diamonds, used by sellers and companies like Rakesh Yadav.


4.   Clarity

Clarity refers to how a diamond appears when viewed under magnification. The internal characteristics (called inclusion) and external imperfections (called blemishes) are considered when determining this attribute. Some diamonds have no inclusions and blemishes, but these are rare.


Besides the Four C’s, other attributes of a real diamond include:


●     Hardness

●     Luster

●     Refraction and dispersion

●     Electrical conductivity

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Real?

Lab-Grown Diamonds - How To Tell if a Diamond is real

As the name implies, lab-grown diamonds are fabricated in laboratories, raising questions about their authenticity. Myths surrounding these gemstones make some buyers wary. However, the fears are unfounded. The only difference between diamonds fabricated in the laboratory and their natural cousins is their origin.


Natural diamonds are formed underground, shaped within the earth’s mantle over a long period. By contrast, lab grown diamonds are formed within a controlled laboratory environment with advanced technology that mimics the natural process. Both forms have similar crystal structure, chemical composition, and physical properties.


Thus, we need not dismiss these synthetic stones because of their origin. They offer some advantages over natural diamonds, including lower cost and reduced ethical concerns.

5 Ways To Tell If A Diamond is Real

Having understood the characteristics of a genuine diamond and cleared the misconception surrounding those cultured in a laboratory, here are 5 tests anyone can employ to determine authenticity, all relying on the attributes earlier mentioned:

1.   The fog test

Take the gem under scrutiny and slowly blow on it like you would on a mirror or glass. Diamonds hardly fog as they clear off heat almost immediately. However, a wannabe would hold the fog a few seconds longer. Breathe repeatedly on the stone for a more obvious result. If it begins to condense, you have a problem.

2.   The water test

This home-based test requires a glass and water. Simply drop the gem into the glass filled with water. The genuine diamond will sink into the bottom, while a fake one may hover or float.

3.   The reflective test

Hold the gem flat on any printed page, such as a newspaper or novel. Genuine diamonds refract light, so if you can read through the glass or see distorted words, you have a counterfeit.

4.   The jeweler’s loupe

For a more accurate result, use a jeweler’s loupe, available for both professionals and amateurs. A jeweler’s loupe enables you to inspect the diamond at 10x magnification. If the gem has no inclusions or blemishes, it should be treated with suspicion.

5.   The UV light test

Also available to amateurs and professionals, UV light reflect a blue fluorescence from diamonds. While not 100% the case, a gemstone that shows no fluorescence should at least be tested using other methods to determine its authenticity.


●     How to tell if a diamond earring is real?

You can tell if a diamond earring is real following some simple tests like putting it in water to watch if it rises or sinks. You can also use a jeweler’s loupe because earrings tend to be small.


●     Can you test your diamond with your phone?

You can test your diamond with your phone by using its flashlight. Simply shine the torch on the diamond and observe how the diamond looks. A real one will show flashes of light and even rainbows. 


●     Can fake diamonds look real?

Fake and real diamonds can look alike, such that counterfeits could trick the unsuspecting. Gems resembling diamonds are often called simulants.


Diamond simulants are useful and legal to purchase if you cannot afford the genuine and still need an attractive jewelry. However, this is only acceptable if you know you are buying a simulant.


When you need an authentic stone, you should know how to tell if a diamond is real to avoid being duped. These tests and more can help. You should also ensure you buy from a reputable company like Rakesh Yadav, as opposed to unknown sellers. Ensure the diamond is certified from a gem laboratory.


Feel free to learn more on diamond jewelries, including how to clean a diamond earring and a guide to purchasing a pair of diamond and gold earrings!


7 Steps to Clean Your Diamond Earrings At Home