7 Steps to Clean Your Diamond Earrings At Home

Every object deserves care, including valuable jewelry like diamond earrings. Many owners hire jewelers to clean their earrings, unaware of cost-effective methods available at home. By learning these methods, you can maintain the sparkle of your earrings. These steps are applicable for other types of jewelry.


If you have doubts about the authenticity of your earrings, the cleaning process is also a good opportunity to tell if your diamond is real. A water test can determine the genuineness of your earrings. If you are certain, you have better reasons to properly care for your jewelry.


Here's everything you need to know in cleaning your earrings. Let’s dive in!


Why Should I Clean My Diamond Earrings?

Diamond earrings - how to clean diamond earrings

There are several reasons you should be diligent owners of your diamond earrings. Besides the aesthetic quality, they are assets and a form of long-term investment.

Here are more reasons you should keep those earrings clean:

1.   Preserving the earrings

Over time, dirt can accumulate on diamond and other metals like gold, silver and platinum, resulting in tarnishes. Dirt can also lead to scratches on the metal, further causing wear to the earrings. Regular cleaning helps prevent these scratches and tarnishing, enabling the metal to maintain its luster.

2.   Removing oil

Diamonds attract oil, which can dull the sparkle. Earrings in contact with your skin easily collect oil, reducing their shine. Without the sparkle, the earrings would look less vibrant. Clean earrings maintain the sparkle and overall vibrancy of your jewelry.

3.   Proper Hygiene

Clean earrings prevents infection. Earrings can accumulate bacteria and sweat alongside dirt and oil, putting the wearer at risk. Thus, clean earrings reduce the risk of irritation, redness and other infections.


4.   Aesthetic and sentimental value

Clean earrings enhance your appearance and reflect responsibility. Earrings may be small, but clean ones bring a sparkle that contributes to the wearer’s overall elegance. Also, If your diamond earrings hold sentimental value like a milestone, family tradition, or a close relationship, keeping them clean is an act of honor.


7 Steps to Clean your Diamond Earrings

Source: TheSpruce

How do you clean your diamond earrings? Here is an easy, cost-effective process as a guide.

Materials Needed:

●     A bowl

●     A mild dish soap/liquid soap

●     Soft toothbrush/bristle brush

●     Soft cloth (ensure it has no lint)

●     Warm water

●     Jewelry cleaning solution for diamonds and gold (optional)


Step 1: No one likes beginning a process only to realize they lack some materials. To avoid this, ensure you have all materials ready, including a clean, wide bowl, soap, toothbrush and other materials listed above. 

Step 2: Prepare the cleaning solution by first filling the bowl with clean, warm water. Next, add a few drops of mild dish soap and stir to create a suitable solution. If you have a  jewelry solution suitable for diamonds and gold, you could use that. However, a homemade solution is more cost effective. We recommend you use a soap without scent.


Step 3: Place the earrings into the solution. Ensure your bowl is placed on a flat surface for the protection of your jewelry. After placing the earrings, gently stir the water to ensure the earrings soak well. Let the earrings soak for about 20-30 minutes. This would provide ample opportunity for the dirt, oil and residue to leave the earrings. You might detect the dirt in the water.


Step 4: After 20-30 minutes, remove the earrings from the solution and gently scrub it using the soft toothbrush or a soft bristle brush. Focus on the back of the diamond and any other area where dirt might accumulate. Do not scrub roughly to avoid scratching the stone or loosening it.


Step 5: Give the earrings a rinse under warm running water. If you rinse it under a sink, ensure you plug the drain to avoid losing your precious diamonds. Rinsing serves to wash away the soap and any hanging dirt that may escape the brush.


Step 6: After rinsing, dry the diamond earrings with a soft, lint free towel. Some owners use paper towels, but the latter can scratch the diamond. Do not use these paper towels, or any other harsh materials. If you find some dirt still stuck on the earrings, use the brush again.


Step 7: For some owners, the above six steps suffice. However, you could go further by polishing the metal setting of the earrings. Do not polish the diamonds to avoid surface damage or change in appearance.

Additional Tips

●     Store your diamond earrings in a clean, dry place to prevent build-up of dirt and help maintain sparkle. Proper storage also assures safety. If possible, have a particular box you keep it in. Store your earrings and other diamond jewelry separate from other gems as diamonds are hard and can damage those gems.


●     Clean your diamond earrings regularly, but not overly. Once a month is recommended to maintain brilliance.


●     DIY jewelry cleaning is great, but ensure you have a professional like Rakesh Yadav to check the earrings at least once a year. In addition to cleaning, the professional will inspect the jewelry to ensure the stone is intact and detect any potential issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

●     Does toothpaste clean diamond earrings?

Some jewelry owners believe that toothpaste can be used to clean diamond earrings, but this is misleading. Toothpastes would damage the earring due to the corrosive metal.


●     What is the best way to clean diamond earrings?

The best way to clean diamond earrings and other forms of jewelry would be to either hire a professional or use a solution of warm, soap water with soft materials.


●     How to make a diamond shine?

The best way to keep the shine and vibrancy of your diamond is by regular cleaning. Dirt, oil and other residue can dim the diamond’s shine if left to build up.


Need your diamond earrings to remain beautiful and maintain its sparkle? Prioritize regular cleaning. As an asset, shinier diamonds maintain their value better than one covered with dirt and residue. With these simple steps and tips, you can better maintain your jewelry. Now, check out our guide to buying a diamond and gold earrings!


How To Tell if a Diamond is real: A Comprehensive Guide


Guide To Buying A Pair of Diamond And Gold Earrings